Join us on Thursday, July 7, for our workshop Exploring AI in sustainability reporting. During this workshop, we will discuss how we can use artificial intelligence to predict CO2 emissions in construction and maintenance projects from transportation and materials data.
Speakers during this session are: Prof. Dick de Waard and Royal Vopak's Global environmental advisor, Willem van der Zon.
Moderator and host is sustainable change maker Nynke Visser.
16.00 - 16.20 - Reception
16:20 - 16:30 - Welcome and Introduction: Nynke Visser and Kim Andersen
16.30 - 17.00 - Keynote Willem van der Zon: Improving emission predictions with raw data - a case study
17.00 - 17.15 - Plenary Session and refreshments
17.15 - 17.45 - Dick de Waard: Sustainability reporting in the age of data
17:45 - onwards - Wrap up and refreshments
In between and afterwards there will be plenty of room to ask questions, respond and exchange views with other participants under the guidance of Nynke Visser.
Further reading and sign up
Click the button below to read more and to sign up: